Digital Forms
We are thrilled to introduce our user-friendly digital forms, designed to enhance your experience and make the certification journey even more convenient.
With our new digital forms, you can now access and complete all necessary agreements and contracts effortlessly online.
Say goodbye to tedious paperwork and time-consuming manual processes. Our digital forms offer a range of benefits, including instant accessibility from any device and seamless submission directly to our system.
Pre-Commencement Declaration
This declaration is an acknowledgement that all pre-commencement conditions stipulated in the development consent (DA or CDC) have been met.
This acknowledgement is an important step in ensuring compliance with regulations and reflects our commitment to professionalism and integrity.
The team will tell you at what point this declaration needs to be completed, ie. prior to works commencing on site.
Existing Pool Fence Compliance Contract Form
An agreement for the performance of certification work for a compliance certificate.
Please Note: This is for an existing pool that requires a pool compliance certificate. If you are building a new pool, please use the CertOne Agreement Form & Contract For Building Work
It specifies responsibilities and obligations, including inspections, assessing compliance with regulations, and issuing the required certification documents.
CertOne Agreement Form & Contract For Building Work
The CertOne Agreement Form serves as a fundamental contract between CertOne, the certifier, and our valued client. It establishes the essential terms and conditions governing our professional relationship throughout the certification process. This document outlines the scope of work, responsibilities, and obligations of both parties, ensuring clarity and transparency from the outset. The CertOne Agreement Form reflects our commitment to professionalism, integrity, and delivering exceptional certification services to our clients.
What is Complying Development?
Complying development is a combined planning and construction approval for straightforward development that can be determined through a fast-track assessment by a council or an accredited certifier.
Complying development applies to homes, businesses and industry and allows for a range of things like the construction of a new dwelling house, alterations and additions to a house, new industrial buildings, demolition of a building, and changes to a business use.
Source: https://www.planning.nsw.gov.au/complyingdevelopment
What is the Development Application Process?
A Development Application (DA) is a formal request or proposal submitted to the local council or relevant authority to seek approval for a proposed development or land-use activity. It is an essential part of the planning process and serves as a means of obtaining permission to carry out specific types of development on a particular property.
A Development Application typically includes detailed information about the proposed development, such as architectural plans, site plans, environmental impact assessments, and other supporting documents. It outlines the intended land-use, design, and construction details, as well as any potential impacts on the surrounding area, including traffic, noise, and environmental considerations.
Source: Department of Planning and Industries Youtube


Recent Projects

BCA Compliance Report
We were engaged to undertake a BCA Compliance Report of this home.
We performed a site audit and full compliance report on the dwelling.
The owner was able to use our report to obtain a Building Information Certificate (BIC) through their local council.

CDC Swimming Pool Construction
CertOne certified this swimming pool for a client who applied to have it built under Complying Development.
It was determined that the client could undertake this project under CDC, and we certified the project from beginning to end.

DA New Dwelling Construction
This client had their home approved under a Development Application with their local council.
CertOne issued the Construction Certificate, and then performed as the Principal Certifier, undertaking critical stage inspections as well as the issuance of all relevant certificates.
Frequently Asked Questions
Does the process differ if a private certifier is involved rather than the council?
No, it doesn't. The same standards apply regardless of whether the application is determined by a private certifier or a council.
What are the benefits of hiring a private certifier?
Hiring a private certifier offers several benefits, such as faster turnaround times, personalized service, flexibility in project management, expert advice, and a streamlined certification process.
How long does the CDC Process take?
Most development is affected by the requirements of Notify Neighbouring Properties.
This consists of a 14 day pre-approval notification period, as well as a 7 day post approval, pre commencement period.
It is important to use this period to the best of your ability to get the relevant documentation and information in order with your certifier.